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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

The Portal NewsLetter

NGI's Clint Edrington and Kate Rose attend CERF Launch of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Mapping/Monitoring (SAV) Community of Practice

June 27, 2019

CERF committee meeting
Building on successful workshops held at the biennial CERF conferences, CERF is excited to announce the launch of our first online Community of Practice: the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Mapping/Monitoring Community of Practice (SAV CoP). Communities of Practice (CoP) are groups of people with a shared interest that interact regularly to learn from each other, share ideas, and advance the state of knowledge about a particular topic. A CoP offers a forum for individual, professional, and agenda development around the topic of interest.
The SAV CoP is a forum for sharing information and supporting seagrass mapping and monitoring efforts. It is organized around a shared Google space which allows access to documents, a calendar, an online forum, and an email list where members can dialog with others.

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For more information about the SAV CoP or to join, contact the SAV steering committee at

If you would like to start your own Community of Practice, contact