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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

The Portal NewsLetter

Dauphin Island Discovery Hall K-12 Virtual Learning Opportunities

December 1, 2020

Discovery Hall Programs Virtual Learning

Discovery Hall Virtual Classes Flyer
Let Discovery Hall Programs bring coastal and ocean science to you and your group of learners virtually. We offer a wide variety of classes for all ages of learners. Classes address everything from our coast's natural history, for example, Coastal Invertebrates or Gulf of Mexico Fishes, to important scientific concepts, Coastal Food Webs or Making Friends and Enemies. They include STEM activities, for example, Waves and Currents or Underwater Robots, and important environmental issues such as Marine Debris and Microplastics or Climate Change and Ocean Impacts.

Given prior notice, Discovery Hall can also work with you to address other specific ocean-related topics of interest.

Classes are approximately one hour long and include time for participants to ask questions of the instructor. Classes make use of DISL resources, including live or preserved specimens, discussion of current research, demonstrations, and where appropriate, hands-on activities for your classroom or learning environment. We have Zoom and Google Meet capabilities and can arrange to connect via other apps if necessary. Once booked, we will arrange a test call with you to ensure a trouble-free connection.

Please contact our Scheduling Coordinator Jennifer Latour at or by phone at (251) 861-2141, x7511, to book a class. Get additional information and share specific requests with us via or (251) 861-2141, x7515.