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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

NGI News

NGI and NOAA to Continue Collaborative Partnership

November 14, 2011

The Northern Gulf Institute (NGI) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will continue their collaborative partnership for an additional five years.

NOAA announced, following a review, the NOAA Research Council determined that NGI's research over the past four years has helped advance NOAA's goals and mission, as well as Gulf of Mexico marine science. The review, which rated NGI's accomplishments as "outstanding," continues the cooperative partnership between NOAA and a group of five Gulf region research institutions led by MSU. Other member institutions include Florida State University, Louisiana State University, University of Southern Mississippi, and the Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory near Mobile, AL.

NGI conducts research in four primary areas: ecosystem management, geospatial data integration and visualization in environmental science, climate change and climate variability effects on regional ecosystems, and coastal hazards. (A list of research projects is available at Total agency funding varies annually and is based on the number of projects the university proposes and NOAA approves, subject to the availability of appropriated funds.

NGI was established in 2006 as a NOAA cooperative institute, and is one of 18 nationwide. Located at universities with strong research programs relevant to its mission, the institutes provide resources and opportunities that extend beyond the agency's own research capabilities and capacity. In addition to promoting research, education, training, and outreach aligned with NOAA's mission, the institutes also coordinate resources among all non-government partners and promote the involvement of students and post-doctoral scientists in NOAA-funded research.