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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

NGI News

MSU Participates in Stennis Space Center Take Our Children To Work Day

August 2, 2012

Recently over 250 children took part in the Stennis Space Center Take Our Children to Work Day. The annual event has the goal of getting children to see science in action, and to see that science and math can be fun. Once again the event was a huge success and will leave those in attendance with a lasting impression that will inspire them to love science and math.

Some of the activities that took place throughout the day included events at the Mississippi State University Science and Technology Center. Those included a "Bugs Are Our Friends" activity were videos were shown and topics were discussed as to why insects are essential to the environment. The children were asked thought- provoking questions and they had great questions of their own. Also, a NOAA video entitled " Flow: Currents and Climate" was shown as well as underwater footage from the NOAA Ship, Okeanos Explorer, dealing with their Gulf of Mexico 2012 Expedition, depicting marine life and a shipwreck.  The MSU Science and Technology Center was recently named as a NOAA Exploration Command Center.

There is no doubt the events of the day grabbed the children's attention and will make great impressions when it comes to learning about the different aspects of science and math.