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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

NGI News

NGI Convenes to Improve Resiliency and Conservation of the Northern Gulf of Mexico

June 4, 2012

The collaborating researchers and educators of the Northern Gulf Institute are working to improve community resiliency along the Northern Gulf coast and marine resources conservation in the region.  The Institute held the 2012 NGI Annual Conference at the new home of the NGI Program Office at the Mississippi State University Science and Technology Center, Stennis Space Center, MS on May 23 and 24, 2012. 

The Conference brought together approximately 95 scientists, engineers, mathematicians and program managers and students to learn more about research and operations programs and educational initiatives.  Thirteen university or academic institutions were represented, including all five NGI members, Mississippi State University, University of Southern Mississippi, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Florida State University and Louisiana State University.  Also participating were seven federal agencies including seven centers or activities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, three elements of the Navy based at Stennis, NGOs and several other Gulf of Mexico focused organizations.

Conference attendees contributed to a working session, generating ideas for improved assessment, planning, protecting, and restoration management decision in the Gulf of Mexico, addressing both Systems Approaches and Observation Approaches. The sessions yielded an action plan to build an interdisciplinary systems approach that will expand collaborations among the academic community, the federal, state, and local agencies, non-governmental organizations and businesses in the northern Gulf region.
Robbie Hood, Program Director of the NOAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program, provided the keynote address describing the important increase in applications of UAS for High impact weather monitoring, polar monitoring and marine monitoring with cost-effective operations.  The conference also featured tours of Stennis Space Center and the National Data Buoy Center, demonstrations of the Hyperspectral imaging scanner, and presentation by NOAA of the Explorer Command Center at Stennis.

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Photo:  Haibo Yao (of MSU-left) discusses hyperspectral imaging projects
with NOAA UAS Program Director Robbie Hood.