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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

NGI News

NGI Hosts the NOAA Operational Storm Surge Inundation Mapping Workshop

March 15, 2011

The NOAA Operational Storm Surge Inundation Mapping Workshop assembled federal, state, and local representatives in Bay St. Louis, MS to discuss best practices in communicating potential storm surge risk, flooding probabilities, and evacuation routes to emergency managers and the public.

In support of NOAA's Storm Surge Roadmap development, the Northern Gulf Institute (NGI), along with NOAA's Coastal Services Center, Coast Survey Development Laboratory, and National Hurricane Center, sponsored a workshop to discuss and catalogue best practices for coastal inundation mapping. Participants included representatives from these organizations, as well as regional NOAA Weather Forecast Offices, NOAA River Forecast Centers, state and local emergency managers, other interested NOAA and state parties, FEMA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Navy, and the Weather Channel.

The workshop focused on:

  1. Understanding the background and context for current products
  2. Understanding client needs
  3. Understanding how current products are being used
  4. Understanding how products are developed
  5. Identifying obstacles within the current system
  6. Soliciting feedback on the technical issues, and
  7. Considering and discussing best practices and limitations.
View Presentations.