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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

NGI News

NGI Council of Fellows Plan Next 5 Years

October 21, 2011

The NGI Council of Fellows met on the LSU campus on October 18, 2011 to address current and future directions of the Institute.  The Council members represent the senior research and education directors from each of the five NGI partners.  The Council welcomed two new Fellows:  John Valentine, new Director of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and Monty Graham, new head of the USM Department of Marine Science.  NOAA Cooperative Institute Program Manager Philip Hoffman and NOAA NGI Science Coordinator Julien Lartigue and NGI program office staff also participated in the meeting.  The Council welcomed news that NGI has hit a new high in NOAA funding of traditional sourced projects.  The group is making plans for new educational and collaboration opportunities that moving in to the new MSU Science and Technology Center will provide.  Bill McAnally, NGI Council of Fellows Chair, ended the Council meeting with a reminder of his reaction when David Shaw first described the concept of NGI: "What a wonderful idea!" -- a sentiment still shared by this important leadership group of NGI.