16-NGI3-08, 17-NGI3-37
2022-7-31 0:0:0
University of Southern Mississippi Mapping Center
Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) provide a safe and efficient method for data collection for hydrographic and oceanographic survey operations. Researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi Mapping Center acquired a CWorker 5 USV Sea Eagle and was demonstrated at several events and research cruises with a variety of hydrographic sensors. The Saildrone USV Surveyor was outfitted with a shallow water multibeam system and Inertial Navigation System and collected high resolution bathymetric data. The Saildrone USV Profiler was outfitted with a sound velocity profiler on a winch system, showing good potential for use in remote areas. A Seafloor Systems Echoboat USV was gifted to the center and outfitted with a multibeam sonar and batteries to match systems used by NOAA’s Navigation Response Teams and is being used as an experimentation and troubleshooting platform. Research continues into use of a multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for precise positioning. Lessons learned related to ASV use are being developed for inclusion in Standard Operating Procedures. Also being developed are a local sub-net of GNSS receivers to compare with GCGC Real-Time Network.